2023-2024 Annual Report

Dear United Way donors, partners and friends –

At our recent Annual Meeting, I officially passed the gavel to my very capable and deeply committed successor as chair of the board of United Way of Central Indiana, Jeff Harrison.

As I look back on my two years as chair of the United Way board, I marvel both at how quickly the time has passed and how much we have accomplished. Fred Payne, our able president and CEO, began his service in that role just as I assumed the chairmanship, and we have worked closely together to build on the strong foundation laid by our respective predecessors. This annual report gives you a flavor of the ways in which we have strengthened the operation and enhanced our ability to assist our Central Indiana neighbors in breaking the bonds of generational poverty and near-poverty.

Clicking through our 2023-2024 annual report, you will see the measurable impact of United Way’s investments in organizations throughout our seven-county service area. You will see that we have made significant progress on the execution of our 2023 strategic plan, increasing positive outcomes for those we serve and improving our ability to measure both our own impact and that of our partners. You will see the actual outcomes of our programs and initiatives and learn the personal stories of people who have benefited from United Way’s efforts and that of its partners. You’ll also see stories told by people who have a passion for giving their time and talent for the benefit of our Central Indiana community.

We are proud to have invested more than $59 million in the past year in grants to community organizations; worked alongside key partners to advance important legislation in the statehouse that will benefit those we serve; expanded our reach by adding new accredited partners and an additional site in the Centers for Working Families network; and partnered with an anonymous donor and our local community centers to extinguish over $239 million of medical debt that was holding back thousands of low-income households in our seven-county region. These are only a few examples of United Way’s unique ability to serve as an engine of individual and family growth that have occurred just in the past year.

We could never accomplish this work alone. We could never achieve the impressive outcomes you will read about in this annual report without the strong and constant support of our donors and funding partners. We are so grateful to serve as your partner in these critically important efforts.

As I change my status from board chair to enthusiastic board member, please allow me to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you give to United Way. It is your passions that fuel our purpose, and allow us to make a real and positive difference in the lives of our Central Indiana neighbors.


Deborah Daniels

United Way of Central Indiana, former board chair


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