Tangram Paves the Way for David and Keith’s Independence

Can you remember how it felt when you took that first big step towards independence and moved out on your own – cooking your first meal, establishing new routines and figuring out how to juggle everything that comes with living on your own? Were you nervous, excited, or a little of both? David and Keith can probably tell you a thing or two about how it feels to take this step. These brothers have dreamed of moving out of their parents’ house and living on their own for several years. With the help of Tangram, a United Way of Central Indiana partner agency, that dream has finally come true! The pair recently received Waiver services that allowed them to move out and into their own apartment after living with their parents for 40 years. Both brothers worked closely with Tangram to build their skills in meal preparation, personal safety, phone etiquette, and home maintenance. These skills will help them as they start this new chapter and live independently. Although they were both very eager, they were also somewhat anxious about the change. To ensure a smooth transition, Tangram employee June Sullivan logged extra hours to be sure David and Keith had what they needed while settling into their new home and routines. David and Keith have achieved one of their dreams with the help from Tangram and United Way. They are now living independently and look forward to making even more strives toward becoming self-sufficient in the future. Their first meal in their new home was lasagna, and as you can see from the photo, it was a big success! Look out for more about Keith and David’s success next week! We’ll be sharing a video that highlights this momentous step and hear from June, their dedicated Tangram assistant who helped make their dream a reality.


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