Women United Member Spotlight: Michele Steele

Tell us about yourselfI’m from Merrillville, Indiana and have lived in Indianapolis since 1987. I’ve been married 28 years to my husband Brent. We have two daughters, Lauren (28) and Elle (23). I attended Marian University for my BA and Indiana State for my master’s degree. I’ve worked at OneAmerica for the last 4 years and am a VP of Business Relationship Management in IT. What are you passionate about?I’m passionate about programs that help women advance their careers and education for children. When and how did you first become involved with United Way?I first became involved in United Way when I was at Eli Lilly – as part of their ReadUP program. Why do you choose support United Way’s mission?United Way was there for me when I needed it years ago. It’s my way of giving back. As a OneAmerica employee, how do you feel about the new level of partnership with United Way? I love our new level of partnership. It allows me to help create and see change at a whole different level. When did you become involved with Women United?I became involved in Women United in the last few years through our Women’s Leadership Team at OneAmerica. What interested you most about Women United?Women United allows me to be involved at a different level and give back to the United Way. What is your favorite memory or event with Women United?My favorite memory was my involvement in the ReadUP program. The student I met with during that time was so appreciative of our time together. It touched me in such a way that I brought my girls into the program to get involved and give back as well.


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