Capacity Fund

Supporting and strengthening nonprofits.

Grants to support United Way of Central Indiana accredited partners with long-term, comprehensive capacity-building and organizational resiliency initiatives.

This fund enables United Way to provide up to $50,000 to organizations in response to an organizational assessment and/or a clearly stated and well-supported business case.

Applications are due online no later than Friday, April 26.

Applications open Monday, February 26. Award notification will be on Wednesday, May 15.


Participation in this fund is limited to accredited partners of United Way of Central Indiana.

Proposals for which the committee may recommend funding include:

  • Leadership and Adaptive Capacity:   assisting in a merger or strategic alliance, clarifying and/or revising mission/vision, comprehensive organizational evaluation  

  • Board Development:  recruitment, diversity, governance, responsibilities, board-staff responsibilities, involvement, orientation, financial oversight, fundraising    

  • Program Development and Impact Evaluation:  program development, outcome measurement, needs assessments, collaborations, networking, volunteer management  

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging:  equity audits, all-staff equity training, equity consultants 

Have questions? Contact Isaac Mervis, Organizational Development Director, by clicking here.