Contingency Fund
United Way of Central Indiana’s (UWCI) Contingency Fund supports accredited partners in responding to unexpected emergencies and unavoidable revenue shortfalls within the organization’s Fiscal Year.
With changes in government funding, shifting philanthropic priorities, and competition from the for-profit sector, many organizations find themselves in precarious and unpredictable financial situations. This fund enables UWCI to provide up to $50,000 on a first-come, first-serve rolling basis to reduce financial hardship and sustain critical services of both our partners and the community at-large.
Please note:
Participation in this fund is limited to accredited partners of United Way of Central Indiana
Once the Capacity Fund budget is depleted, United Way of Central Indiana will not be able to support additional requests until the beginning of our next Fiscal Year (July 1)
Circumstances which may contribute to an organization receiving assistance through the Contingency Fund include:
Major unexpected losses in potential and/or expected revenue due to forces outside of the organization’s control that could not have been anticipated within the organization’s Fiscal Year
Critical, unexpected need for urgent funding within the organization’s Fiscal Year to stabilize and continue operations due to forces outside of the organization’s control
Examples of circumstances that have previously resulted in funding have included exponential price hikes for rental vans due to supply chain issues, an environmental disaster rendering an organization unable to conduct programming and generate revenue, and a sudden decline in AmeriCorps staffing due to shifting federal funding priorities.
Circumstances which will NOT contribute to an organization receiving assistance through the Contingency Fund include:
Any circumstance that occurred outside of an organization’s Fiscal Year
Revenue constraints which are a direct result of an organization’s action or inaction and/or could have reasonably been anticipated
Emergencies that are covered under the Facilities Maintenance Fund
Examples of circumstances that have NOT resulted in Capacity funding include declining trends in revenue that began before the beginning of the organization’s Fiscal Year and the rising prices of equipment or materials that have gradually increased before the beginning of the organization’s Fiscal Year.
The committee will NOT consider proposals that request funding for the acquisition of assets that are not critical to the organization’s core operations, existing mortgage or capital debts, and/or supporting an endowment.
Application Process
The Contingency Fund is awarded on a first come, first serve rolling basis. Once the Capacity Fund budget is depleted, United Way of Central Indiana will not be able to support additional requests until the beginning of our next Fiscal Year (July 1).
To apply for the Contingency Fund, please contact Isaac Mervis, Organizational Development Director, to confirm your eligibility. In your email correspondence, please briefly share the following information:
The circumstances that precipitated your need for funding that both occurred within your current Fiscal Year AND could not have reasonably been anticipated; AND
The amount of unanticipated funding you are requesting; AND
How these funds will be used to enable your organization to stabilize and continue operations.
If additional information is required to determine your eligibility, the Organizational Development Director may schedule a brief call to discuss and/or review.
If the inquiry does align with the requirements and guidelines, the applicant will be sent a link to officially submit their application. Click the buttons below to view the application questions and proposal review rubric. Please note, alignment with the requirements and guidelines does NOT guarantee funding. Submitted applications will be reviewed and scored by a committee consisting of internal staff and UWCI board members, as well as external members from the Central Indiana community with diverse, relevant experiences.
Our goal is to have the funds successfully disbursed as quickly as possible to respond to the applicant’s urgent needs.
Please contact Isaac Mervis, Organizational Development Director, with all questions regarding eligibility and the application process via email (isaac.mervis@uwci.org).