Contingency Fund

Your safety net.

Grants to help United Way of Central Indiana accredited partners respond to unexpected emergencies and unavoidable shortfalls to reduce financial hardship and sustain critical services.

With changes in government funding, shifting philanthropic priorities, and competition from the for-profit sector, many organizations find themselves in precarious and unpredictable financial situations. This fund enables United Way to provide up to $100,000 on a rolling basis to quickly respond to the changing needs of both our partners and the community at-large.    

The Contingency Fund application is on a rolling basis.

Participation in this fund is limited to accredited partners of United Way.  

Circumstances which may contribute to an organization receiving assistance through the Contingency Fund include:  

  • Major unexpected losses in potential and/or expected revenue due to forces outside of the organization’s control  

  • Critical, unexpected need for urgent funding to stabilize and continue operations due to forces outside of the organization’s control  

Circumstances which will not contribute to an organization receiving assistance through the Contingency Fund include:  

  • Revenue constraints which are a direct result of an organization’s action or inaction  

  • Emergencies that are covered under the Facilities Maintenance Fund  

Please note, the committee will not consider proposals that request funding for the acquisition of assets that are not critical to the organization’s core operations, existing mortgage or capital debts, and/or supporting an endowment.     

Have questions? Contact Isaac Mervis, Organizational Development Director, by clicking here.