Giving back to those who serve our community.

United Way of Central Indiana, through the financial support of Lilly Endowment, Inc., invests in hard-working, dedicated human services professionals through individually designed plans for professional renewal. This program provides opportunities to reinvigorate professionals so they can bring fresh ideas and energy to the human services sector.

Human service professionals are eligible for up to $12,000 to engage in activities designed for professional renewal.

Applications are due online no later than Friday, May 30.

More information will be available soon. For immediate questions, please email Isaac Mervis.


Eligible human service professionals must:

  • Be an employee of United Way or an employee of a United Way accredited organization; AND

  • Have been employed eight (8) or more consecutive years by a human services nonprofit organization as of the application deadline; AND

  • Have been employed by their current organization five (5) or more consecutive years as of the application deadline; AND

  • Serve clients in the United Way area of service (Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan and Putnam counties); AND

  • Intend to remain in human services work and at their organization for at least two (2) years after the renewal experience.

Grant application coming soon.

Applications must be approved by the organization’s executive director. If the applicant is the executive director, board chair approval is required. There is no limit on the number of applicants from each organization. It is expected that recipients who take a leave of absence will return to their place of employment upon completion of renewal activities. Applicants must use their award by November 30, 2025, and are expected to participate in a follow-up seminar where activities and knowledge gained from the experience are shared. Recipients will complete a final report detailing expenditures, activities and how their learning increased because of the grant. Previous winners are not eligible for a renewal grant.

Have questions? Contact Isaac Mervis, Organizational Development Director, by clicking here.