Social Innovation
Creating and supporting new solutions to accelerate positive change in our community
To attack economic instability at its core, the time is now to be bold in our thinking, strategy, collaboration and creative solutions.
Community-based organizations work tirelessly to serve families and meet the immediate needs of clients as they arise, often leaving them little time and resources to focus directly on piloting, incubating and scaling new programs that could make and even greater future impact in our community.
United Way’s Social Innovation work supports these organizations looking to intentionally accelerate the cycle of innovation in our sector through the testing of promising practices that ultimately improve efficiencies and the effectiveness of service delivery, leading to quality outcomes for individuals and families in Central Indiana.
Poverty is a systemic problem that will not be solved with one magic bullet—policymakers, academics, businesses and social service agencies need to work together to address long-term systemic change and do so without fear of small failures and setbacks on the road to success.
Eclectic Soul VOICES Corporation, Grassroot Projects, Grace Care Center took home top prizes
A three-time recipient of United Way’s Social Innovation Fund, Be Nimble Foundation provides workforce development opportunities and entrepreneurship support
United Way estimates more than 10,000 people will be served through this round of funding
United Way’s Social Innovation Fund supports organizations developing creative solutions to address community needs