Our Welcome Mat is Out.

United Way invites you to The Neighborhood -- a generous community of neighbors who want to end poverty and help children and families reach their full potential. 

The Neighborhood is designed to put your monthly donation to work, and in return, you join like-minded neighbors who help create a community we are all proud of.

Do Something Good.

Neighbors helping neighbors — that's what it's all about. Your monthly donation goes to places and programs that are helping people out of crisis situations, stabilizing whole families and finding new solutions to combatting poverty.

You Can Move Right In.

All are welcome in The Neighborhood. With your recurring donation, you'll be joining a committed and passionate group of neighbors who make our work possible to remove the barriers preventing people from achieving their full potential

Join The Neighborhood today.

There are perks to living in our Neighborhood.

Join now and receive monthly stories and information, invitations to a neighborhood celebration event, and swag!

As a neighbor you will receive the following perks:

  • Exclusive monthly updates and stories from the neighborhood

  • Exclusive end of the year celebration event

  • The Neighborhood swag

These types of neighbors also receive additional perks:

  • Helpful Hands ($10 per month): The Neighborhood mug

  • The Builder ($20 per month): The Neighborhood mug and journal

  • The Innovator ($50 per month): The Neighborhood mug, journal, and tote

  • The Village ($100 per month): The Neighborhood mug, journal, tote, and lunch bag

Thank you to our neighbors.