No one should have to endure the winter without heat or electricity.

Energy assistance for Central Indiana households is a critical need.

The Winter Assistance Fund is now closed.

The Winter Assistance Fund is supported by AES, Citizens Energy Group, the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust and individual donors.

The Need is Now.

United Way of Central Indiana's Winter Assistance Fund helps ensure hardworking families who need energy assistance the most afford the increased costs of utility bills during the coldest winter months.

The Winter Assistance Fund aims to keep our neighbors warm and safe, while alleviating one of the biggest stressors of the winter season for those living in Central Indiana.

In 2022, the 2-1-1 referral line received more than 8,000 calls for energy assistance.

If you or a loved one needs energy assistance, please dial the 2-1-1 referral line – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Special thanks to the following sponsors who make the Winter Assistance Fund possible through their generous financial support: