Even in tough economic times, Business Furniture remained solely focused on their core values – relationships, innovation, and doing the right thing – thanks to Exceptional Executive of the Year: Mary Beth Oakes.
When you click on the website for Business Furniture + Choreo, you are instantly greeted by a big, all-capitalized rallying cry – Ready to Go: #Back to Better. There’s no doubt that the slogan reflects CEO Mary Beth Oakes’ hope for the future and a re-focus on the core values of Business Furniture, even after the tough economic times of the last 18 months.
Despite the heavy impact of the pandemic on its business operations, Mary Beth has remained a champion for the community, an inspiration to her employees, and an advocate for philanthropic giving for causes she cares about. Mary Beth kept the spirit of giving to United Way alive within her workplace with fun incentives, engagement opportunities and prizes. She knows when employees embrace a positive company culture, that positivity spreads throughout the community. When she’s not scoping the latest workplace trends, you can find Mary Beth’s footprint all across Central Indiana, especially within organizations that focus on female leadership and empowerment.
As the awards committee noted, “Mary Beth Oakes has played a critical role in the success of so many United Way campaigns throughout the years. And this year, although unprecedented, was no different. Pandemics will never stop Mary Beth’s advocacy for a strong Central Indiana community.”
Congratulations to Mary Beth Oakes on being named United Way’s Exceptional Executive for 2020-2021.


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