How You Can Advocate for Indy’s Most Vulnerable Families

When it comes to inclusive economic growth, our region is facing a difficult battle: The Indy Chamber and the Brookings Institution found that Indianapolis’ socioeconomic mobility ranked 47th out of 50 cities studied. This means those who are born into poverty have little hope of getting out of poverty. But it doesn’t have to be this way. United Way of Central Indiana’s Great Families 2020 initiative seeks to bolster struggling families in five targeted Indianapolis neighborhoods through the Two-Generation (2Gen) Approach — serving the needs of children and their parents together through workforce development and early childhood education programs. With a federal grant and philanthropic support from United Way and key community partners, more than $20 million in investments will be made in these critical areas the next three years. 2Gen is a promising approach that’s currently being tested all over the country with encouraging results. 2Gen aims to improve the lives of families living in poverty by establishing neighborhood support networks that provide integrated services in post-secondary education, workforce development, early childhood education, financial support, and health and well-being. The short-term goal is fewer families living in poverty and stronger, more stable neighborhoods. The longer-term outlook is creating a diverse and well-educated workforce for central Indiana. To develop that workforce, we must support the success of both the current workers (parents) and the workforce of the future (children). How can you get involved?Recently, passionate women from our Women of Tocqueville and Women United groups came together to advocate on behalf of the 2Gen Approach (photo at left). You can join them in the fight for the education, financial stability, health and basic needs of everyone in our community today by becoming an advocate for Central Indiana families. Join United Way's advocate army to learn how you can make changes in our community that help all people thrive. With your support, we can continue to connect families in Central Indiana to the resources and services they need to become self-sufficient. These families need an advocate; they need you.