United Christmas Service must raise $124,000 to help all families in need this holiday season

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – United Christmas Service has provided holiday assistance to Central Indiana families in need since 1952. The program, which is possible solely through donor support, has nine days left to raise money for this holiday season. This year, 4,587 households were referred to the program from schools, hospitals, community centers and United Way agencies. At this time, United Christmas Service has raised $335,940 which will provide holiday assistance to 2,799 families. In order to serve the remaining 1,788 households, United Christmas Service needs to raise $124,000 by December 22. “United Christmas Service is only possible through donor support. While individuals who apply to the program are not guaranteed assistance, we are still hopeful that in the next nine days we can raise this money to ensure that all families who are referred to the program are served,” said Katie Cordell, United Way of Central Indiana Community Impact Manager. Donations to United Christmas Service help fund “Merry Money,” a one-time use voucher that qualifying individuals and families can exchange at a variety of local stores to purchase clothing, food, and toys. A $120 donation supports a family of four and $30 supports an individual. United Way of Central Indiana assesses each application thoroughly to ensure referrals with the greatest need receive priority for holiday assistance. Criteria to qualify include transportation barriers, financial situation and health needs. The United Way team also considers opportunities families may have to be eligible for other holiday assistance programs. If you would like to donate to United Christmas Service, please visit uwci.org/ucs.


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