Tangram Music Club Makes the Holiday Season Merry and Bright

When Diane Schmidt walked into the Tangram office to inquire about volunteering, the team there had no idea the amazing journey that was about to begin. Lindsey Hill, Marketing Manager at Tangram, saw a background in music on Diane’s resume and it sparked a thought: Let’s start a choir. 

 United Way of Central Indiana is proud to support Tangram and its wide variety of client programs. Music Club is just one way this partner agency gives those with disabilities an extra opportunity to develop friendships, explore new activities and build confidence. If you’d like to discover the joy that Music Club brings, not only to Tangram clients but volunteers as well, look here for more information on how you can get involved!


18 Ways to Volunteer in 2018


United Christmas Service must raise $124,000 to help all families in need this holiday season