18 Ways to Volunteer in 2018

Are you in the process of mapping out your goals for 2018? If one of them is to become more active in your community through volunteering, we have 18 great options to consider in 2018. 

  1. Are you already a volunteer for one of United Way’s 85 partner agencies? Take your service to the next level by inquiring about open board positions.
  2. Check out United Way’s Volunteer Center for a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout Central Indiana. The options are always changing, so visit often to find the perfect opportunity for you!
  3. Improve the reading skills of local third graders by volunteering once a week with ReadUP. You’ll also help students grow their confidence and develop a lifelong appreciation for reading.
  4. Join in on Global Youth Service Day on April 21. Watch our website for updates on the various service projects we will be hosting throughout Marion County.
  5. Assist at Red Carpet Gala, Emerging Leader’s annual fundraising extravaganza in March. We’ll need multiple volunteers to help us in various ways throughout this elegant evening event.
  6. Become a greeter for Indy Free Tax Prep! You’ll assist clients with their paperwork and ensure they have all the forms and information they need before getting their taxes prepared. Training is available online and takes about one hour to complete.
  7. Ensure United Way agencies are performing efficiently by becoming an agency evaluator. This is a great way to develop a better understanding of how nonprofits work and see the impact our agencies make first-hand.
  8. Help run a poverty simulation. You’ll be assigned a “job” to perform, such as grocery store clerk or social services assistant, while participants experience the day-to-day struggles people in poverty must face.
  9. Makeover a Boys & Girls Club or YMCA with coworkers, family, friends or members from a club or organization. It’s a great way to give back as a team!
  10. Participate in United Way’s Day of Action on June 21, 2018. We’ll be hosting a wide array of volunteer activities throughout Central Indiana to celebrate this worldwide event that unites people for the greater good.
  11. Take the Jump IN for Healthy Kids pledge to do your part to inspire children and their families to lead healthy lives. Then volunteer your time sharing their mission of healthy living and how organizations like schools, employers and youth groups can get involved.
  12. Join United Way LINC for one of their "philanthro-parties." If you are between the ages of 22-30, come on out for unique volunteer opportunities with a social twist! They are good deeds and a good time.
  13. Help those in need in our community get the most of out their tax refund by becoming a certified tax preparer through Indy Free Tax Prep. This program is vital to for our community and brings back more than $8 million to Central Indiana residents!
  14. Grab a group of friends and help beautify a school or playground by cleaning and manicuring the lawn or landscaping.
  15. Host a Day of Caring at your workplace. It’s a great way to give back to the community and create strong bonds with your coworkers.
  16. Volunteer in any way you would like on April 19 as part of our Handraisers for 100 initiative, celebrating United Way’s 100 years of service throughout Central Indiana. Pick something you are passionate about and get friends, family or coworkers involved in a day of volunteering!
  17. Sign up to be a Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer (SUV). These volunteers are crucial in the case of a natural disaster in Central Indiana.
  18. Host a Service-to-Go project at your workplace. From creating birthday boxes for struggling families to new home kits for veterans, you and your coworkers can come together at the office for a multitude of service projects.

 We hope you have a wonderful new year and look forward to your involvement with United Way in 2018. Keep an eye on our blog for even more volunteer opportunities throughout the year! Central Indiana needs people just like you to continue in the fight for the education, financial stability, health and basic needs of every person in our community.


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