Women United Member Spotlight: Katie Kiernan

Tell us about yourself (job, home town, any other fun facts)I currently work as Vice President of Consulting Services at Walker Information. At Walker, I work to help large businesses improve customer experiences, much like United Way works to help every person in our community improve their life experiences.I live in Fishers with my husband and two daughters.What are you passionate about?I love seeing people find fulfillment in the things they are passionate about. Too many people experience roadblocks that keep them from truly living out their purpose and achieving their goals. I think this is true of both our young kids as well as many adults in our community. I also enjoy seeing children learn something for the first time – even the small things. It’s truly amazing to watch.When and how did you first become involved with United Way?I have been fortunate to work for a company that truly values United Way’s presence in our community for 17 years now.  When I first joined Walker, I started to learn more about United Way’s purpose and became involved from there.  I’ve worked alongside United Way in several capacities – from participating in the executive women’s leadership program to serving on the Women United steering committee, I’ve enjoyed every second spent volunteering with the organization.Why do you choose support United Way’s mission?As the mother of two daughters, early childhood education is close to my heart. I want to see every child in our community have the same opportunities that will allow them to be prepared to excel in school.  While I enjoy spending time volunteering in the classroom, I wanted to get involved in a broader way. The recent expansion of funding for pre-k in the State of Indiana is so exciting and is going to make a big difference for our young kids!When did you become involved with Women United?I’ve been a member of the Women United steering committee for 2 years.What interested you most about Women United?Being surrounded by a group of like-minded women who have the same priorities and goals is always fulfilling. There is power in numbers and the more women we have driving  United Way’s purpose the better.What is your favorite memory or event with Women United?Women United periodically hosts literacy kit builds. I specifically enjoy these events because we get to focus on creating kits that I know will end up in the hands of a deserving child, enabling them to take part in hours of learning that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. It doesn’t get any better than 

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Fighting for the Littlest Members of Our Community


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