Equity Action
Doing our part to dismantle the systems that perpetuate inequity in our community
The problem: The data is clear. People of color are nearly twice as likely to experience economic insecurity and poverty than white households. Racism and ethnic discrimination embedded for centuries in public and private systems, policies and practices are major barriers preventing our Black and Brown neighbors from achieving their full financial and human potential.
What we will do about it: The goal of United Way's Equity Action Initiative is to expand its grantmaking to serve more diverse populations, build capacity of faith-based, grassroots and grasstops organizations, strengthen the pipeline of leaders of color in the sector, and help remove obstacles for people of color to attain the quality of life everyone deserves.
Indy Racial Equity Pledge
United Way of Central Indiana is united with our community in opposing racism. We acknowledge that racism, both implicit and explicit, exists in our community and presents significant barriers to the achievement of economic well-being and quality of life for many in the communities we serve. United Way is committed to listening, learning, and amplifying the voices of our Black neighbors. We will do so in a manner that demonstrates respect for all. We will bring our resources, influence, and convening leverage to the table to address systemic racism that limits opportunities for a disproportionate and growing number of people in Central Indiana. While we cannot promise perfection, we are committed to accelerating progress toward racial equity as individuals, as an organization, and as an active community leader. This racial equity pledge is part of our broader commitment opposing all forms of racism and discrimination affecting members of our community.
To better understand the history of racial injustice in policies that create and perpetuate barriers to services, resources, and opportunities for Black Americans, United Way created a new virtual learning series, “Understanding the Roots of Racism.” The 9 virtual sessions below featured experts in the fields of health, housing, food insecurity, transportation, education, financial stability, mental health, career building, and social capital and civic engagement – all focus areas within United Way’s community impact strategy. Stay tuned for more information on our next series.